The EVIL Playboy Philosophy In America

By David J. Stewart | January 2013

Proverb 28:6, “Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.”

       The term “The Playboy Philosophy” originated with none other than smutty Playboy magazine founder, Hugh Hefner (born 1926). Hugh Hefner is infamous for promoting the sexually-immoral “Playboy” lifestyle worldwide (ground zero being the United States sad to say). The entire billion-dollar Playboy franchise has brought woeful shame upon our nation for the past 60-years. Hugh Hefner has turned sexual immorality into a consumer product, lowering a woman's body to the level of an animal sold as a commodity on the exchange market, selling his lewd garbage in convenient stores and newsstands worldwide. Despite distorted claims that Playboy gives women a higher social status by posing in Playboy, the truth is that such lewd, nude and crude photos demoralize and cheapen womanhood, hurting families.

Hugh Hefner has shamelessly lived his life as a proud and boastful whoremonger, which is exactly what “The Playboy Philosophy” is all about, that is, abandoning the sacredness of traditional marriage in favor of individual sexual freedom to commit immorality on a whim. The truth is that “The Playboy Philosophy” is simply a gentleman's term for a wicked whoremonger. BBC NEWS reports...

“Hef's private life has been complex. After his first marriage ended in 1959, he devoted himself to a swinging lifestyle which included regular orgies and a period in which he experimented in bisexuality.”

SOURCE: BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Faces of the week

Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” I don't condemn any man, for we are all sinners in need of Christ's redemption from birth. I thank God that He forgave my sins in Christ Jesus by faith. We are all so undeserving of God's love and mercy; yet He offers His grace to all mankind.

Hugh Hefner is a leading supporter of homosexual rights (immoral rights). The liberal media hides the fact that all homosexuals are sexually-immoral in other areas too. The Roman Catholic Church has been plagued with child-molesting priests, but the liberal newsmedia never tells the public the truth that nearly 50% of the priesthood are also HOMOSEXUALS!!! Where there is homosexuality, there are all works of darkness. Where there is homosexuality there is every form of sexual degeneracy. You can't lay with dogs and not get fleas. Sin is the best detective, it always gets its man. You can't sow your wild oats and pray for crop failure! God will be vindicated, everything He said in His Word will come to pass.

Hugh Hefner Mocks God, Calling His Viagra Pills To Fornicate, “God's Little helper”

Hugh Hefner lives a polygamous and adulterous lifestyle of perpetual fornication, disgracefully blaspheming and mocking God by calling his Viagra pills, 'God's little helper' (stated in a 2010 interview with The New York Times). Homosexuality is a sin. It's not a matter of personal freedom as Hefner alleges; but rather, a matter of obeying God's Word. In contrast to every publication ever produced by men, the Bible cannot be attributed to any man nor group of men. The Bible came into being in miraculous ways—40 writers, spanning 1500 years of history, all from different backgrounds and who spoke different languages. It's not only highly improbable, it's astronomically impossible. You have to not want to believe the Bible to remain ignorant in view of so much evidence.

I'm tired of homosexuals hiding behind the term bisexual. If you have sex with the same gender, you are a homosexual!!! Some homosexuals choose to call themselves “bisexual,” which seems less offensive to people's minds. A homosexual is a homosexual, and such evil wickedness brings the judgment of God, as evidenced by the utter destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Jude 1:7). You can't lay with dogs and not get fleas! You can't sow your wild oats and pray for crop failure! Sin is the best detective, it always gets its man.

HEE HAW used to feature Hugh Hefner regularly as an honored guest, with their large-breasted HEE HAW honeys (whores) laying  prostrate throughout the dirty-minded show. Old men would tell filthy jokes. Roy Clark would then get up with Buck Owens and sing, “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus.” It makes God sick! This country deserves God's harsh judgment! Life is short and judgment day is coming (Hebrews 9:27; Ecclesiastes 12:14). Hugh Hefner's wild parties and sex-orgies will soon come to an end, and then the judgment in eternity. Are we ready to meet our Creator? I am, are you? We all need Jesus' righteousness, because neither you nor I have any to offer God.

At 86-years-old, Hefner admits to taking the drug Viagra twice weekly. Venereal disease is now epidemic among the elderly in America because of numerous sex-drugs like Viagra. While researching, I read a disgraceful article from The Huffington Post today about Hugh Hefner's orgies and sexual immorality (dated January 18, 2013) that was so sexually graphic in content that I can't even link to it. They openly use the slang f*** word repeatedly, describing Hefner's sex orgies with numerous women at one time. I'll tell you, The Huffington Post has some uncouth editors working for them, and since the company endorses that kind of filth, they're no better. The senior religious editor of The Huffington Post last week praised CNN's Anderson Cooper for going public about his homosexuality, claiming it was a form of God's love. Homosexuality is NOT divine love, it is shameful sin that brings God's judgment. It is apostasy!!! America is on a downward spiral into the pits of hell. Woe unto America!

How Playboy And Cosmopolitan Magazines Corrupted America!

A graduate student (Lina Salete Chaves) at the University Of South Florida has done an excellent job explaining how Playboy and Cosmopolitan magazine widely influenced America in the 1950's and 1960's, luring women into careers (forsaking homemaking) and sexual liberation (immorality). These subversive immoral factors (all Communist funded) have destroyed our families in America. The work is titled, “Sexually Explicit, Socially Empowered: Sexual Liberation and Feminist Discourse in 1960s Playboy and Cosmopolitan.”

As you will learn in the following presentation, it was Playboy and Cosmopolitan magazines that were instrumental in changing the mindset of Americans, and re-shaping our nation from one of honoring the sacredness of a marriage commitment, to abandoning all morality and sense of sexual responsibility. The consequences were devastating, and still are today, causing tens-of-millions of unintended pregnancies and unwanted children, which is the backbone of the abortion industry, that is, sexual immorality...

Playboy articulated the image of the new consumer culture that emerged as an important aspect of American life after World War II and included sexuality as part of its discourse. Playboy constructed a vision of the American man that became part of the generational view in which the individual was the most important aspect of American culture and progress.

The magazine differed in context because it broke away from concepts surrounding the daily grind of everyday life and matrimony and instead focused on the ability of personal growth and satisfaction based on individual preferences that tied together the concepts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Playboy’s focus on concepts of “the good life” was the main ideological component of the magazine directed at men who wanted more out of life than just the humdrum of everyday living and ties to matrimony. [emphasis added]

[added comment by David Stewart: In other words it was an introductory course into Hugh Hefner's sinful lifestyle of whoremongering. Hefner was a wicked man who started a smutty magazine in 1953 and encouraged other evil men to follow his wickedness, and millions did. Worldwide, sinful people have been buying Playboy magazine since 1953. In an attempt to lessen the public contempt for Playboy, the magazine featured interviews with evil fake preachers like Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King Jr. Those two so-called 'ministers' served Satan, not the God of the Bible!]

The philosophies presented in Playboy worked to present a new cultural vision of the individual which emerged in the women’s movement of the 1960s. The image of gender roles had changed for both men and women, and the idea that sexuality was an important and natural desire for both genders competed with previous notions that sexual desire was typically male. Playboy became an avenue for a freer expression of sexual desires. The magazine itself challenged set gender roles and incorporated issues, events, stories and pictorials, and jokes and letters from readers that reinforced these new changing ideals.

Even though Playboy directed its message at men, it also had a social impact on women since it presented women as individuals having their own sexual drives. Women who modeled in Playboy were or became popular mainstream icons and these models considered their association with Playboy a privilege and a status symbol. The sexuality that Playboy represented addressed and redefined older patriarchal and misogynistic ideologies and representations of women. Taboos about nudity and sex were not commonplace in Playboy, and the “sex symbol” became a powerful image that did not represent a flaw in gender representation of women, but assisted in breaking down barriers that labeled promiscuous women as ‘sluts’ and ‘whores’ with no credibility.

[added comment by David Stewart: Hugh Hefner's Playboy magazine has spent the past 60-years familiarizing Americans with adultery, nudity, lewdness and sexual sins, to the point that these woeful evils no longer seem wrong. In 2013, sexual immorality has become so widely prevalent and tolerated in American society that now we're even witnessing homosexuals getting married. The pedophile's favorite, 'Dance Moms' show on TV, features sexy 7 and 8-year-olds!!! This type of sleaze would never have been tolerated a half-century ago. Do you know why the pedophile television executives are putting this type of trash on TV? It's how they're getting homosexuality to become widely accepted mainstream. It's the exact same reason why Playboy was started and promoted. Of course money was the main reason for Hefner, but the Communist powers behind the subversion of America knew that by getting their foot in the door, homosexuals could rise to power in America quickly. If you give the Devil an inch, he'll become a ruler!

By flooding American society with sexual perversion on television, it paves the way for a future nation TOTALLY devoid of morals, and sexual sins will wax worse and worse. You watch, the globalists will try to push chip implants one day for children because of the pedophile kidnapping problem that they're creating now through pervert television programming. That's the globalists formula to always get their way in society... CRISIS + REACTION + SOLUTION. That is, they create the CRISIS, then the public reacts with the help of the controlled newsmedia, and then the same criminals who created the crisis offer their solution to take advantage of the public... to steal, kill and destroy the nation. The globalists create public mass-shootings through CIA mind-control and MK-Ultra projects (shocking stuff) and drugging. Then the mainstream newsmedia leads the public into mass-paranoia about gun safety. So then they take our guns away, by force if necessary (it's coming), even giving citizens IRS tax-credits to voluntarily give-up their fire arms. IDIOTS!]

Playboy’s goal was to help individuals find happiness through one’s own way of life. The consumer aspect of Playboy assisted in presenting a formula for achieving these goals. This kind of thinking applies to concepts of feminism and the breaking of standardized norms and stereotypes. Cosmopolitan addressed the new levels of freedom that women were achieving in the 1960s. Gender roles were being reconsidered since the 1950s, and women were now able to traverse into various areas of society outside of matrimony.

Women had begun entering professional careers and areas that in the past had been strictly designated as male terrain. Concepts surrounding marriage and premarital sex also began changing during the 1960s. In view of these social changes Cosmopolitan echoed the same kinds of views that were being represented in Playboy. The individual’s innate needs became the standing point of the composition of the magazine. Women’s sexual needs were seen as an important aspect of the self and not looked at with the shame or guilt of the past. Cosmopolitan embraced the independent woman free of gender constraints and with new found opportunities.

Much like Playboy, Cosmopolitan made the woman consumer a vehicle of transformation, using purchasing power to designate a kind of freedom that allowed for advancement in all areas of life. The single girl and the career girl were touted as the new American women. Hugh Hefner’s “The Playboy Philosophy” (1962) defines his views of life based on individual identity marked by one’s personal choices while seeking life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The rights of the individual are tied into various aspects of American life. One of the main goals of “The Playboy Philosophy” was to address the political issues that did not allow for a free expression of individuality.

Through the laws and restrictions that were set in place by government and social doctrine, expressions of sexuality were not commonplace in popular culture, and were attacked by activists and critics. Even though Hefner seems like an unlikely ally to the feminist movement, in many ways the goals of his writings are in line with important aspects of feminist discourse. In order for the women’s movement to further their cause and gain more independence, a new vision of individuality and personal freedom was needed. In the furthering of the women’s movement, the rights of the individual, and the right to be in control of decisions made about the self, encapsulated the struggle that the feminist movement battled with in order to pass laws that allowed women control and choices over their own bodies.

Helen Gurley Brown’s Sex and the Single Girl (1962) addressed the change in society’s place for single women in the 1960s. The notion of women as individual entities true only to themselves and their sexual needs is the main focus of Brown’s writings. Brown argued that representations of women had drastically changed over time, and as the gender roles for women changed from solely family caregivers, they were freer to experience a more fulfilled and enriched life as sexually active within and outside the boundaries of matrimony. Brown’s focus was based around the ability of women to choose freely the kinds of lifestyles they wanted. Unlike generations before, the focus of the 1960s was not on matrimonial success. Now the single girl and the career girl were addressed in popular culture without negative stigmas.

The power of the consumer became a defining force of individuality in the 1960s for Americans. The strength of the individual’s identity connected the fact that American’s purchasing power designated their identities: individuals could and did define themselves by their product choices. Consumer trends reflected the kind of personality one wanted to present by pairing their buying choices with a direct connection to personal preferences based on individuality. Both Playboy and Cosmopolitan reinforced this trend as a means of advancement and self-fulfillment.

With key figures such as Hugh Hefner and Helen Gurley Brown, popular culture was affirmed in decisions to present identities through buying power. As America moved and grew in awareness out of the 1950s, it led society into the new changing views of the 1960s, which changed the interpretation of cultural images and artifacts. As concepts of sexuality were readdressed by mainstream society, new viewpoints and standards started filtering into how sex and sexuality were represented. Famous actresses and artists saw posing in Playboy as status symbols.

Women were able to express themselves through their sexuality as a powerful symbol of their independence. This new appropriation encompassed aspects of careers, consumerism, and sexuality that had previously been only aspects of male social codes, but were now reinforced in mainstream magazines such as Cosmopolitan. These publications can be seen as cultural artifacts that helped Americans define and highlight the independence and freedom of the individual’s choices elevating their status in American society.

Second wave feminists have overlooked Hefner and Brown’s contributions to women’s liberation as being a part of the patriarchal system. One can argue that Hefner and Brown’s brand of feminism was more attainable and realistic for women who were still struggling with a society that favored males for career advancement opportunities and stigmatized women for their expressive sexuality. Unlike second wave feminists, Hefner and Brown embraced sexual liberation as an important aspect of the individual. Both Playboy and Cosmopolitan are joint participants in the cultural vision of individuality. Their articles, advertisements, and editorial letters represent the vision of personal well being and satisfaction that both Helen Gurley Brown and Hugh Hefner advocated in their writings and magazine publications.

Hefner and Brown stress the individual as the maker of their own realities and both see the individual’s consumer and personal choices as the all important piece of a functioning and progressive America. In both cases sexuality is tied together as an integral part of the individual which cannot be separated but can only be embraced as part of the human existence. By reinforcing the importance of the individual both Cosmopolitan and Playboy encourage personal choices surrounding careers, sexuality, and consumerism as vehicles of personal advancement which in turn works to break down past gendered positions for both men and women.

Since individualism is the most important part of both magazines the person’s sex is no longer a driving force limiting personal choice. An open acceptance of the individual crosses over narrow bridges that in the past have blocked individuals due to their sex, social status, and even race. The previously gendered stations of both men and women were and are challenged by these publications. By making each person responsible for their own well being and chances for advancement, magazines like Playboy and Cosmopolitan reinforce ‘the American dream’ by presenting their own formulas for achieving these goals.

SOURCE: “Chaves, Lina Salete, "Sexually Explicit, Socially Empowered: Sexual Liberation and Feminist Discourse in 1960s Playboy and Cosmopolitan" (2011). Graduate School Theses and Dissertations (

It's so sad. Walt Disney's history and beginnings are saturated with sexual perversion, which they've continued in all of their popular programs targeted today at youth. Wild stuff, huh? Truly, truth is stranger than fiction! America's youth are under attack today by Satan. Please read Dr. Jack Hyles' needful sermon, Satan's Bid For Your Child. Please read, How The CIA Financed And Used Gloria Steinem To Destabilize U.S. Society.

Hefner's Playboy Philosophy Is Of The Devil

In the September 2012 issue of Playboy magazine, founder Hugh Hefner whines like Eve in the Garden Of Eden, magnifying his restrictions. Hefner foolishly says:

“Today, in every instance of sexual rights falling under attack, you’ll find legislation forced into place by people who practice discrimination disguised as religious freedom. Their goal is to dehumanize everyone’s sexuality and reduce us to using sex for the sole purpose of perpetuating our species. To that end, they will criminalize your entire sex life.

[Conservatives continue] to assault the right of gays, whether by denying them to right to marry or, as in Kansas, by attempting to empower landlords, business owners and employers to discriminate against gays on religious grounds. [...]

This is a religious nation, but it is also a secular one. … No one should have to subjugate their religious freedom, and
no one should have their personal freedoms infringed. This is America and we must protect the rights of all Americans.”
[emphasis added]

SOURCE: Hugh Hefner, Playboy magazine, September 2012 issue

So Hefner accuses God-fearing, Bible-believing, faithful, Christians of wanting to demonize his adulterous lifestyle. I've got news for everyone, GOD DEMONIZES ALL SEXUAL SINS...

Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

In Genesis Eve whined to the serpent that God forbade her and Adam from looking, eating or even touching the fruit (Genesis 3:3). Eve was magnifying her restrictions. She complained like a rebellious teenager, “We can't do anything!” The truth is that God only forbade them from eating the fruit (Genesis 2:17). Likewise, Hugh Hefner whines like a big cry baby, “Wah, we'll be labeled as criminals for having sex for any purpose other than to have children.” The truth is that sex is a beautiful gift from God to be enjoyed ONLY within the boundaries of a lifetime marriage commitment. Hebrews 13:4 warns that God will judge adulterers and whoremongers. Hugh Hefner's Playboy philosophy means sex outside of a marriage commitment. That's exactly what the debate is over. But there is no debate if you believe the Bible. God's Word settles the matter once and for all. Marriage is honorable in all Hebrews 13:4 says, but adulterers and whoremongers God WILL JUDGE! GOD WILL JUDGE!!!

Hugh Hefner in his preceding statements is defying God's Laws, not man's. The battle has always been the same, that is, between good and evil. Evil often prevails in any particular generation, but God has already won the war. Someone has correctly said that prophecy is the future in reverse. Another said that prophecy is history written in advance. Thus, we already know as born-again Christians what the future holds. GOD WINS! CHRISTIANS WIN! RIGHTEOUSNESS WINS! Homosexuals hate the Bible passionately because it warns that Hell is in their future. Hugh Hefner's future will be miserable, horrifying and damned for ever! I didn't say that, God does in the Bible (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8; Colossians 3:5-6).

I am so glad, happy and thankful that I am on the winning side in Christ Jesus my Savior!!! Homosexuals and the wicked think that they are gradually winning the moral battle in America, but they are delusional, totally deceived by Satan (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The power of darkness controls them. They are of their father the Devil; but we as Christians are of our Father in Heaven. One of the main purposes of my website ministry is to open the eyes of the blind with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot open anyone's eyes, but the gospel CAN, and so I am going to preach THE GOSPEL far and near to all the people I possibly can.

Here are the Words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ to Saul (later to be renamed Paul) when they first met...

Acts 26:15-18, “And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.


The Apostle Paul was called into the ministry at the same time he was saved, which sometimes happens. Please understand that answering the call of God into full-time ministry is NOT a part of salvation as some false prophets attempt to teach (called, Lordship Salvation). Saul's conversion experience was not typical; but rather, very out of the ordinary. Most people don't show any emotion when they get saved, and there's no shining light, audible voice, commission to become a missionary, nor scales formed on their eyes as happened to Saul. It's important not to confuse experience with the new birth.

Every believer becomes an adopted son of God at the time of salvation. John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” Jesus is the 'only begotten Son' of God (John 3:16 - King James Bible), but every believer is an adopted child of God. That's why the New International Version (NIV) is so dangerous spiritually, that is, because they remove the word 'begotten' from John 3:16, calling Jesus God's only Son. But Jesus is not God's only Son, He's God the Father's only BEGOTTEN Son (thus making Jesus God also). That's why Bible-butchers attack this Scripture, so they can try to destroy the deity of Christ. All modern Bible versions are corrupt!!! Only the King James Bible is reliable!

Although dipping in domestic sales at home in the U.S., Playboy magazine is booming in international sales in 2013. Hefner says he gets letters from women all around the world who want to be his girlfriend (whore). Hefner also says at age 86 that he's still searching for his ultimate soul-mate. You see, like Solomon in the Old Testament, Hefner attracts the wrong kind of women with his money. You can't buy love, just like The Beatles song says. Hefner has whores galore all wanting his money, but that's not love. Mr. Hefner's immoral reputation precedes him everywhere he goes and no decent woman would want him, just like Solomon couldn't find his true love. Love is a gift from God. Mr. Hefner needs God, Who is love. Hugh Hefner may seem to have it all in his adulterous sex, expensive mansion, wealth and health; but he is about to leave this earthly life in his sins without the dear Savior Jesus Christ.

I wouldn't want to be in Hugh Hefner's place for all the health, wealth and pleasures that the sinful world has to offer. I have Jesus and He's all that I need or want.

Isaiah 13:11-12, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.”

Hugh Hefner's Playboy philosophy is utterly against God and the holy Bible...

“Mr. Hefner’s magazine is most widely known for its total exposure of the human female,” says William F. Buckley, introducing the guest on this 1966 broadcast of his talk show Firing Line. “Though of course other things happen in its pages.” Not long before, publisher and pleasure empire-builder Hugh Hefner’s Playboy magazine ran a series of articles on “the Playboy philosophy,” a set of observations of and propositions about human sexuality that provided these men fodder for their televised debate. Hefner stands against religiously mandated, chastity-centered codes of sexual morality; Buckley demands to know how Hefner earned the qualifications to issue new codes of his own. Describing the Playboy philosophy as “sort of a hedonistic utilitarianism,” Buckley tries simultaneously to understand and demolish these 20th-century revisions of the rules of sex. [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Hugh Hefner Defends “the Playboy Philosophy” to William F. Buckley (1966) | Open Culture

At age 86, Hugh Hefner will soon learn the moment he enters into eternity that he was so very wrong in his immoral philosophies. Sin is never permitted. Sin always has a hefty price tag. Sin always has consequences. God is a loving, merciful and forgiving God; but God will not make exceptions for anyone. Hefner's a staunch Christ-rejecter, self-governed in his beliefs. Instead of man being created in God's image; Hefner has redefined God into his own frail, human, perverted image. Like so many foolish people, Hefner wants to do right, but he wants to decide what is right, instead of letting God choose what is right.

Isaiah 3:8-13, “For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory. The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. The LORD standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.”

Hugh Hefner Defends His Sexually Immoral Lifestyle

Hugh Marston Hefner (Jewish) has the blood of millions of ruined marriages, divorces, rapes, adulteries, pedophilia, homosexuality and God only knows what other evils on his hands. Hugh Hefner no doubt influenced countless other perverts as well to start their own porno magazines and porn internet. All because of his smutty PLAYBOY magazine that has been sold in America and abroad since 1953. Every man shall be judged according to his works, of what sort they are, good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:!4, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

Please understand that I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to take a Biblical stand for God.

Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, says “I'm a pretty moral guy!”

In a 2004 Chicago Sun-Times interview by Cathleen Falsani, Hugh Hefner stated ...

“Sin is a religious term for immoral behavior, but it's a religious term,” Hefner says, adding that his definition of sin is "things that are hurtful to people” ... “I believe in the creation, and therefore I believe there has to be a creator of some kind, and that is my God. I do not believe in a biblical God, not in the sense that he doesn't exist, it's just that I know rationally that man created the Bible and that we invented our perception of what we do not know.”

Mr. Hefner openly states that he does NOT believe in the God of the Bible. Yet, he thinks he's “a pretty moral guy.” If morals do not come from the Word of God, then prey tell me, where do they come from? Who sets the benchmark?

Since the Bible condemns pornography (Matthew 5:28), Hugh Hefner has decided that he doesn't believe the Bible. He says he believes in God, and creation; but not the God of the Bible Who condemns adultery and whore-mongering.

Hebrews 13:4 WARNS, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”

Philippians 3:18-19, “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.

Ecclesiastes 7:15, “All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness.”

When asked whether or not he had ever sinned, Hefner replied...

“Oh, sure, but I haven’t pursued very much immoral behavior. I’m a pretty moral guy. Now, it's morality as I perceive it. Morality is what is perceived as good for people”

SOURCE: 2004 Chicago Sun-Times interview

Hugh Hefner has already purchased a burial plot next to slut, Marilyn Monroe, but Hefner is going to join Monroe in the Lake of Fire when he soon passes into eternity. God's Word will be vindicated!!! Hefner blasphemes God, literally making a joke of his sexual immorality, thanking God publicly for his Viagra that he uses to fornicate...

And, when the time comes to go to the Great Bunny Club in the Sky, Hefner plans to do it in style, spending eternity in the vault next to Marilyn Monroe at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in LA. Today, asked to sum up his love-life, Hugh Hefner gives a disarmingly direct answer: "He makes love to his girlfriends, plural. And he thanks God for Viagra.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Faces of the week

I don't condemn anybody, for I am a big sinner just like anyone else. We all have darkness in us. Jesus is the light.  John 1:4-5, “In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” I am not condemning Hugh Hefner, for the Law of God condemns all men (Romans 3:19). That's why Jesus paid our sin debt, because we couldn't pay it our self. Hugh Hefner needs to get saved.

Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes

Hugh Hefner's life has been spent indulging in sinful sex orgies and fornication; yet, Hugh says, "I haven’t pursued very much immoral behavior." Perhaps it's because of the immoral ministers and professed Christians like Faith Hill, who support Playboy magazine, that Mr. Hefner doesn't see the wickedness of his morally reprehensible Playboy

As Christians, we are not supposed to condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all humanity as being hell-deserving sinners; however, we are instructed in Ephesians 5:11 to take a Biblical stand against those who attempt to publicly justify and parade wickedness.

TMZ (AOL owned, Thirty Mile Zone) has the Playboy story: Hugh Hefner doesn't get what the big deal is about 15-year-old Miley Cyrus showing a little skin. The Playboy founder told “Extra” (via New York Daily News) that he's open to having Miley really bare all and stop being a tease when she turns 18. The slutty role model will probably do it. The infamous Hannah Montana (real name: Miley Cyrus) for Walt Disney is a disgrace to America. Miley has the audacity to profess to be a Christian who loves God. The Cyrus family left their “great church” to move to the vile filth of Hollywood. Miley Cyrus is a total loser in God's eyes, as is High Hefner, and all the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ (James 4:4).

Ecclesiastes 7:15, “All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness.”

Ecclesiastes 8:12-13, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.”

Playboy Offers Discount for Ministers

America is a land infested with sinister ministers...

Back in the 1960s, when Hefner and Playboy Enterprises were involved with the civil rights movement and Playboy was in its heyday, he met an Episcopal priest and author named Malcolm Boyd. The two men have remained close friends for more than 40 years.

At the time, Hefner spent time with various clergymen, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, with whom he could knock around his ideas about theology and morality. In fact, Hefner says, for a time Playboy magazine offered a special discount subscription rate for ministers.

SOURCE: 2004 Chicago Sun-Times interview

Can you imagine... ministers subscribing to Playboy magazine? Jesse Jackson was featured in Playboy magazine in 1969. The "reverend," Martin Luther King Jr., was featured in a 1965 Playboy magazine interview.

There's nothing moral about Hugh Hefner's pornography. His life's work was building an empire of sleaze, sexual perversion and lasciviousness. By Hefner's own admission, he denies the God of the Bible. I say this with great sadness, for the Lord is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2nd Peter 3:9). 

Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution
(The moral destruction of the U.S. was planned)

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." —2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9